Page 6 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 6


             A.                    B.
     ABSENCE from Christ de­
                          BAPTISM an act of obe­
       precated, 337.        dience, 226,   227,   229,
      final from God intolera­
                             283, 234.
       ble, 674.           an act of worship, 225, 289.
     Accepted time, 118,132.  a Christian professior
     Adoption, desiring evidence
                             236, 237.
       of, 98, 858, 868.   burial with Christ by 224.
     Advent of Christ, 21, 23   cheerfulness in, 230.
      design of the, 22.   emblem of Christ’s death.
      second, 673.           232.
     Adversity, rejoicing in, 294.  of Christ, 218, 219, 235, 238.
     Affliction and mercies from   in imitation of Christ, 220,
       God, 119.             223.
      benefit of, 407, 63-1, 635.   self-consecration in, 228.
      blessedness of submission   the Spirit invoked in, 281.
       in, 637.           Beauties of Christ, 292.
      Christ a support in, 294.
      from God, 634, 635.  Bethlehem, star of, 20,148.
      of Zion, 692.       Bethesda, pool of, 158,161.
      patience in, 634.   Beggar, plea of before the
      sweetness of the promis­  Lord, 886.
        es in, 637.       Bartimeus restored, 147.
      Rubmission in, 898. 634, 635.
      trusting in God, 635.  Blessed are they that mourn,
     Almost Christian, 129
                           Blood of Christ, relying on,
     Angels, song of, 21     87, 126, 142, 146, 834, 839.
      sympathy of with Christ,
        57, 64.            Blood of Christ, the only
                             way of salvation, 126
     Armor, the Christian, 887.
                           Broad and narrow way, 189.
     Ark of safety, Christ the, 606.
     Assurance of divine favor,     c.
        desiring, 145, 358, 831.
       triumph of, 93, 355  CASTING care on God, 175.
     Atonement, relying on the,   Children admonished and
        50.                  warned.136.
       sufficiency of, 87.126. 834.  prayer for. 513
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