Page 11 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 11

•Cll particular index of subjects.
          Jhristian, trusting in Christ   Coldness and inconstancy
            for pardon, 28, 87,126.  lamented, 380, 384, 421,
           trustingin God, 175,321,343,   504.
            367, 373, 378, 425.  Comforts, lost, deplored
                                  337, 345, 572.
           trusting in Christ, 330, 357,
            363.                Confidence in Christ, 353.
                                Confession of sin, 153, 156,
           trusting in Providence, 305.   162.
           trusting in divine mercy,   and forgiveness, 154.
            408.                Contentment, 361.
           union of to Christ, 412.  Contrition, 392.
                                Confession of sinners, joy
           waiting at the throne of   for, 494.
            grace, 363.
                                 joy on account of, 149.
           warfare, 396,397,402.  Conviction by the law, 523.
           welcoming Christ to the   Covenant, 6, 173.
            heart, 493,567.      hope in the, 417.
           and wicked, 435.      sure, 496.
                                Cross, safety in, 50.
          Church, Christ the founda­  subdued by the, 35.
            tion of the, 77, 91, 547.
           Christ the builder of the,   D.
            72.                DEACON, choice of a, 561,
           Christ the head of the, 80.
                                 ordination of. See Or­
           complete in Christ, 532.
                                  dination Hymns.
           constitution of a, 546, 547,
            548.               Death and eternity, 646.
           beauties of the, 531.   disarmed, 640.
                                 dying Christian not to be
           the garden of Christ. 209.
           God in the, 549.       lamented, 639, 661.
                                 dying Christian, farewell
           joining the, 187,190, 192,193,
            198.                  of. 595, 600.
                                 friends separated by, 650,
           lamenting a barren state,
            566.                  655, 656, 659.
                                 of Christian friends, 639.
           love to the, 195,197.
           love of Christ to the, 532.   of an infant, 644, 658.
                                 of a child rather joyous
           mourning and pleading   648.
            under desertion, 565.  of a child, resignation to,
           new members welcomed   651.
            185,186, 188, 189, 191, 203.   of children in their in­
           one, 80, 213           fancy, 647.
           safety of, 210, 214 , 215, 822,   comfort to pious parents
            532,534, 549.         in death of children 652
           victorious. 534.      of a young person. 641
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