Page 15 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 15

         Holy Spirit invoked, 103, 110   Jesus the sinner's friend,
           224, 231, 472, 476, 477.  141.
          power of, 281.
          prayer for descent of, 106.   Joining the people of God*
          prayer for return of, 845,   198.
           568.                Joying in God, 278.
          quickening, 52.
                               Jubilee proclaimed, 623.
          regeneration by, 107, 366.   Judgment day, 676.
          sanctifying influence of,
           375, 476.            Christ coming to, 671, 673.
          seal of truth, 47.    fleeing to Christ in prow’
          teaching, 109, 111.    pect of, 663 674
          witness, 105.
                                preparation for, 675, 677.
         Hope in God, 373, 422.
          rejoicing in, 662.    saints and sinners judged
         Humiliation, public, 573, 576.   672.
         Hypocrisy known to God,   welcomed, 678.
                              Justice of God in condem,
                  I.             nation of sinners, 155,180.
         IMITATION of .Christ, 221,   Justification, 93,183.
           222, 235.
          in suffering, 38.             Iv.
          in forgiving his enemies,
           327.                LAMB of God, behold the,
          ingratitude lamented. 567.   57, 181.
          indwelling of God desired,  song of Moses and the, 95.
           493.                Law, conviction by the, 523,
          invitation to sinners, 114,   and grace contrasted, 122.
           118, 120, 121, 125, 134, 139,   Living to Christ, 341.
           142, 522.
          know that my Redeemer   Looking unto Jesus, 141,365.
           lives, 82.         Lord’s Supper instituted,
                                 240, 241.
                  J-            body and blood of Christ,
                                 243, 244, 246, 255.
         JERUSALEM, new, 284.
         Jesus, the bright morning   Christ’s love celebrated, 23,
           star, 317.            53, 95, 242, 245, 252, 319.
          desiring to see, 59.  Christ’s compassion, 43, 247.
          forever the same, 71.  Christ remembered, 257.
          the living \ ine, 65.  Christ’s sufferings, 36, 38,
          name of sweetest sound,   39. 55, 250, 251, 253.
           839.                 Christian fellowship, 196.
          physician, 144.       supper, communion with
          precious, 308, 318.    Christ in. 244.248,249-
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